World thought leaders in High Performance



HPO Masterclasses

With the worldwide publication of André de Waal’s book What Makes a High Performance Organization, the HPO Center will start offering its much sought after and successful HPO Masterclasses on all continents, on a regular basis. Possible HPO Masterclass for your organization Before HPO Questionnaire: The participants fill out the HPO Questionnaire, via the internet link. […]

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overview of the academic articles and papers on High Performance Organizations by André de Waal MSc, MBA, PhD

HPO Advisory (Englisch)

We work with all sorts of organizations across the globe. Our continuous research helps clients to improve their performance. We have deep functional and industry expertise . We are passionate about taking on immense challenges that improve our clients performance on the long-term. Our HPO knowledge supports organizations in implementing the desired improvements. We also challenge on […]

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Performance Management Analysis – PMA ®

An increasing number of organisations are implementing strategic performance management systems. Despite the increase in experience gained with implementing this approach, there is still a lot to be learned about the factors that influence the everyday use of performance management and of the factors that influence performance-driven behavior. We identified behavioral factors that have an […]

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HPO scan


Ein Unternehmen kann seinen Hochleistungsorganisation (HPO) Status anhand der Durchführung einer HPO-Diagnose bestimmen. Im Rahmen dieser Diagnose füllen Manager und Arbeitnehmer den HPO-Fragebogen (auch in der deutschen Sprache) aus und geben an, wie gut die Leistung des Unternehmens bezüglich der 35 Eigenschaften auf einer Skala von 1 (sehr schlecht) bis 10 (hervorragend) ist. Daraufhin wird der […]

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High Performance Partnership (HPP) Diagnosis

When an organization is hard at work transforming into a High Performance Organization (HPO), sooner or later the time will come when the quality of the value chain in which the organization operates will become important. After all, if the suppliers and buyers are not HPOs, the quality of the organization will be offset in […]

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Executive program 'Creating a High Performance Organization'

Workshops & Seminare (Englisch)

Awareness and Discussion within Your Management Team Active, customized workshop on topics such as: ’High Performance Organizations’, ’High Performance Leadership’, ’Improve your Management’, ’HPO and Best Ideas’, ‘High Performance Partnerships’, ‘Drive for Excellence’, etc.. Target group: Companies and institutions (or organizational units) that want to know more about high performance and want to actively work […]

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